Our Team

Samarth Agarwal
Samarth Agarwal, The founder of Infinite Technology, having a deep experience in different technologies. He pursued BE in Electronic & Telecom from CSVTU. Keen interest in exploring better solutions. Never step back from challenges.
Experience : 7 years.
Position : Founder
Ganpati Nandan
Ganpati Nandan is R&D Head at Infinite Technology. He pursued MTech in Information Technology from NIT Karnataka, expertise in Security, Sockets & Node.js. Give him a task and he will surprise you with the results.
Experience : 4 years.
Position : R&D Head / Senior Developer

Vaijayanti Kulkarni
Vaijayanti Kulkarni is developer at Infinite Technology. She has completed her Master's Degree in Computer Applications from Kalinga University, has experience in C# and knowledge of various technologies.